CP2R Publications
Anderson, N. C., Conn, D. R., Gamas, K. C., Borkhuis, B., & Lantto, J. J. (2018). Capacity, passion, relevance, and presence: A conceptual framework for the interpretation and study of success. Journal of Research Initiatives 4(1), Article 11.
Anderson, N., Conn, D. R., & Tenam-Zemach, M. (2022). CP2R overview, origin, and evolution. Author.
Anderson, N., Conn, D. R., Tenam-Zemach, M., Clemente, I., Schaefer, L., Zemach, J. (2020). Are schools “robbing” students? Resuscitating the purpose of school through CPR. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, 22(1-2), 183-196.
CP2R Presentations
Anderson, N. & Conn, D. R. (October, 2018). CPR: Developing a presence for success and failure. American Association of Teaching and Curriculum Annual Conference, Dallas, TX.
Anderson, N., Conn, D. R, Tenam-Zemach & Clemente, I. (October, 2019). Creating a culture of contribution through K-12 education. American Association of Teaching and Curriculum Annual Conference, Birmingham, AL.
Anderson, N. C., Conn, D. R., Tenam-Zemach, M., Clemente, I. M., Zemach, J. & Schaefer, L. (2020, April 17-21) Fit for life: The purpose of education through lenses of capacity, passion, relevance, and presence [Roundtable Session]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA (Conference Canceled)
Other Publications
Anderson, N. (2022). Synthesizing frameworks and tools to develop a plan for evaluating an online data utilization curriculum for teachers. Evaluation and Program Planning, 94.
Anderson, N. C., Brockel, M. R., & Kana, T. E. (2014). Disciplined inquiry: Using the A+ Inquiry framework as a tool for eliminating data hoarding, mindless decision-making, and other barriers to effective ESA programming. Perspectives: A Journal of Research and Opinion About Educational Service Agencies, 20(3). _Inquiry_09_11_14.pdf
Bartelheim, F. J., & Conn, D. R. (2014). Pre-service teachers' perceptions of an ideal classroom environment. Current Issues in Education 17(3), 1-9.
Conn, D. R. (2013b). When two worlds collide: Shared experiences of educating Navajos living off the reservation. TheQualitative Report,18(49), 1-16
Conn, D. R. (2015). Juxtaposition: The coexistence of traditional Navajo and standards based curricula. The Qualitative Report 20(5), 618-635.
Conn, D. R. (2016). What are we doing to kids here? Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, 18(1-2), 25-40.
Conn, D. R. & Billy, R. (2017). Always loved but never entitled: Professor intentions to promote leadership in women. The Qualitative Report, 22(5).
Conn, D. R. & Rue, L. (2011). Checking the dipstick in the virtual classroom: Maintenance lessons for distance learning environments. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 12(4), 255-264.
Conn, D. R. & Tenam-Zemach, M. (2019). Confronting the assessment industrial complex: A Call for a shift from testing rhetoric. Special Issue of Journal of Curriculum Theorizing: Curriculum Theorizing in the Post-Truth Era, 34(3), 122-135.
Weichmann, J. C., Conn, D. R., & Thorpe, L. J. (2019). Broader strokes: The curricular and pedagogical possibilities of multiage educational settings. The Qualitative Report, 24(7), 1703-1713.
Zajdel, J., & Conn, D. R. (2018). Advertising “generosity” in schools: Do you want fries with your curriculum? Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, 20(2), 71-86.
Zajdel & Conn. (2019). Outrageous statements, poker faces, and the qualitative interview. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, 21(1-2), 115-118.
Tenam-Zemach, M., Conn, D. R., Gottlieb, D. & Parkison, P. T. (2020). Exposing the Assessment Industrial Complex: Shifting the Rhetoric of Testing and Accountability. New York, NY: Routledge (in press).
Book Review
Conn, D. R. (2013a). [Review of: Engendering Curriculum History, by P. M. Hendry]. Journal of Educational Reform and Innovation 2(1), 1-4.
Tenam-Zemach, M., Conn, D.R., Mahovsky, K. A., Parkison, P. Zajdel, J. (2020). [Review of Ghosts in the Schoolyard: Racism and School Closings on Chicago’s South Side by Eve L. Ewing]. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue (in press).
Anderson, N., Ova, A., Oliver, W., & Greer, D. (2018). Develop your data mindset: Essentials of educational data use [Online curriculum]. North Dakota Department of Public Instruction, Information Technology Department, Statewide Longitudinal Data System.
Evaluation Report
Anderson, N., Ova, A., Oliver, W., Greer, D., & Carson, E. (2020). Evaluating the Develop Your Data Mindset online curriculum for educators: An assessment of needs theory, processes and outcomes. North Dakota Department of Public Instruction, Information Technology Department, Statewide Longitudinal Data System.
Other Presentations
Conn, D. R., Anderson, N. C., Clemente, I., McCullough, & Weichmann, J. (October 2019). Still dreaming BIG: The red & green school. Presented at the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum Annual Conference, Birmingham, AL.
Conn, D. R. & Billy, R. (October, 2015). Always Loved but Never Entitled: Professor Intentions to Promote Leadership in Women. Presented at the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum Annual Conference, Portland, ME.
Conn, D. R. & Clemente, I. (October, 2018). Dream BIG, plant flowers. Presented at the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum Annual Conference, Dallas, TX.
Conn, D. R., Corpe, C., & Eckmann, T. (October, 2016). Finding balance: What can educators learn about the practice of teaching through the practice of yoga? Presented at the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum Annual Conference, Grand Rapids, MI.
Conn, D. R. & Decoteau, A. (October, 2017). “We are not trying to save the language. The language is trying to save us”. Presented at the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum Annual Conference, Denver, CO.
Conn, D. R. & Tenam-Zemach, M. (October, 2017). The Assessment Industrial Complex: The Right’s Subversive Attempt at Privatization (Or AKA: Lies, Lies and More Lies). Presented at the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum Annual Conference, Denver, CO.
Conn, L. D. & Conn, D. R. (October, 2019). Karuna: Exploring the om curriculum. Presented at the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum Annual Conference, Birmingham, AL.
DeCoteau, A., Conn, D. R., Rappeport, A. & Yamane, M. (October, 2019). Songs of the Earth: Exploring the Lived Experience of Ceremony in Indigenous Communities.
DeCoteau, A.,Yamane, M., Rappeport, A. & Conn, D. R. (October, 2018). Songs of the Earth: Pedagogies of ceremony. Presented at the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum Annual Conference, Dallas, TX.
Keller, C. & Conn, D. R. (October, 2015). Aesthetic memories: Using perceptual experiences to elicit prior knowledge. Presented at the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum Annual Conference, Portland, ME.
Mack, L. & Conn, D. R. (October, 2017). Teachers Pay Teachers: Experiences with Alternative Curricular Markets. Presented at the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum Annual Conference, Denver, CO.
Mortezaee, C. & Conn, D. R. (October, 2015). Breaking the Mold: Rethinking Labels through Lesson Sketches. Presented at the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum Annual Conference, Portland, ME.
Salyards, M. & Conn, D. R. (October, 2015). Reading well: Exploring aesthetic approaches in literacy. Presented at the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum Annual Conference, Portland, ME.
Tenam-Zemach, M., Conn, D. R., Gottlieb, D., & Parkison, P. T. (October, 2019). Disentangling the assessment industrial complex: A counternarrative of change and hope. Presented at the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum Annual Conference, Birmingham, AL.
Weichmann, J. & Conn. D. R. (October, 2017). Pedagogies of resistance: When teachers refuse to obey. Presented at the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum Annual Conference, Denver, CO.
Weichmann, J., Conn, D. R., & Thorpe L. (October, 2016). Broader strokes: The curricular characteristics of multiage educational settings. Presented at the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum Annual Conference, Grand Rapids, MI.
Zajdel, J. & Conn, D. R. (October, 2016). Waiting for super policy: Venture philanthropy and the ecology of the third grade classroom. Presented at the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum Annual Conference, Grand Rapids, MI.
Zajdel, J. & Conn, D. R. (October, 2017). Banking With Professional Development Performance Artists. Presented at the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum Annual Conference, Denver, CO.
Zajdel J. & Conn, D. R. (April, 2017). Market Influences in Classrooms: Hidden in Plain Sight. Presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Zajdel, J. & Conn, D. R. (October, 2018). Curriculum Shopping: How Much are Those Test Scores in the Window? Presented at the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum Annual Conference, Dallas, TX.
Zajdel, J. & Conn, D. R. (October, 2019). Meeting Eisner by proxy. Presented at the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum Annual Conference, Birmingham, AL.
*Anderson, N., Unruh, S., & Wray, K. (2022, August 8). Developing and implementing a postsecondary early alert model. Session presented to participants at the 2022 STATS-DC conference. Online.
*Anderson, N. (2020, November 18-19). Evaluating North Dakota’s online data utilization curriculum. Prerecorded session presented to participants at the 2020 SLDS Best Practices Conference. Online.
*Anderson, N., Unruh, S., Wray, K., & Clark, L. (2020, November 18-19). Developing and implementing a postsecondary early alert model. Prerecorded session presented to participants at the 2020 SLDS Best Practices Conference. Online.
*Anderson, N., & Oliver, W. (2020, October 27-30). Planning and pursuing an illuminated path: Applying frameworks and tools to produce evidence that matters [Poster session]. American Evaluation Association’s Eval 2020 Reimagined: A Virtual Experience conference, Portland, OR, United States.
*Haines, M., Anderson, N., Hubach, S., Joyce, J., Simpson, B., & Engstrom, L. (2020, March 10). Building an ecosystem of support: An evaluation of North Dakota’s community school programs. Breakout session presented at the 31st Annual National Youth-at-Risk Conference. Savannah, GA.
*Anderson, N. (2019, November 8). Using A+ Inquiry to develop a feasible and relevant study. Roundtable session presented at the NDSU Education Doctoral Programs Education Scholars’ Fall Conference. Fargo, ND.
*Anderson, N., & Johnson, L. (2019, November 8). Assessing level of fit for an individual’s role as a researcher. Roundtable session presented at the NDSU Education Doctoral Programs Education Scholars’ Fall Conference. Fargo, ND.
*Conn, D., Anderson, N., Clemente, I., Conn, L., McCullough, B., & Wiechmann, J. (2019, October 3). Still dreaming BIG: The Red & Green School. Panel session presented at the 26th American Association for Teaching and Curriculum annual conference. Birmingham, AL.
*Anderson, N. (2018, July 27). How to develop and disseminate sustainable online data use training for teachers. Session presented to participants at the 2018 National Center for Education Statistics STATS-DC conference. Washington, DC.
*Anderson, N. (2018, March 1). North Dakota’s online data utilization curriculum: Develop your data mindset. Session presented to participants at the 2018 SLDS Best Practices Conference. Arlington, VA.
*Anderson, N., & Hovda, J. (2017, September 21). “Develop Your Data Mindset” online curriculum. Session presented to educators at the AdvancED North Dakota Fall Conference. Bismarck, ND.
*Hovda, J., & Anderson, N. (2017, September 21). SLDS school improvement connection. Session presented to educators at the AdvancED North Dakota Fall Conference. Bismarck, ND.
*Mandinach, E., & Anderson, N. (2017, August 2). Data literacy: How states are addressing educator capacity building. Session presented to participants at the 2017 National Center for Education Statistics STATS-DC conference. Washington, DC.
*Anderson, N. (2017, February 15). North Dakota’s online data use curriculum: Develop your data mindset. Kiosk demonstration exhibited at the 2017 SLDS Best Practices Conference. Arlington, VA.
*Hovda, J., & Anderson, N. (2016, October 14). SLDS AdvancED connection. Session presented to educators at the North Dakota Fall Educators Conference. Bismarck, ND
*Anderson, N., & Hovda, (2016, October 13). Hands-on data utilization modules for SLDS and much more. Session co-presented with A. Ova to educators at the North Dakota Fall Educators Conference. Bismarck, ND.
*Anderson, N., & Hovda, J. (2016, October 6). SLDS AdvancED connection. Session presented to educators at the AdvancED North Dakota Fall Conference. Mandan, ND.
*Anderson, N., & Engelhard, A. (2016, June 8). Applying data utilization knowledge and skills to RTI universal screening. Session presented to educators at the 6th annual North Dakota RTI/MTSS Conference. Fargo, ND.
*Anderson, N., & Engelhard, A. (2016, June 8). Implementing a process for progress monitoring. Session presented to educators at the 6th annual North Dakota RTI/MTSS Conference.
*Anderson, N., & Engelhard, A. (2016, April 28). SLDS: Applying data utilization knowledge and skills to RTI universal screening. Session presented to educators at the North Dakota PLC Summit. Mandan, ND.
*Engelhard, A., & Anderson, N. (2016, January 25). State longitudinal data system tool time for AdvancED and effective data utilization. Session presented to superintendents at the North Dakota Association of School Administrators mid-winter conference. Bismarck, ND
*Engelhard, A., & Anderson, N. (2015, October 1). SLDS tool time for the AdvancED student performance diagnostic (Part II). Session presented to education professionals at the AdvancED North Dakota Fall Conference. Mandan, ND.
*Anderson, N., & Engelhard, A. (2015, October 1). Nitty gritty of the AdvancED student performance diagnostic (Part I). Session presented to education professionals at the AdvancED North Dakota Fall Conference. Mandan, ND.
*Anderson, N., & Blikre, A. (2015, July 7). Develop your data mindset. Session presented to K-12 educators at Northwest Evaluation Association’s Fusion Central Conference. Chicago, IL.
*Anderson, N. (2015, June 10). Develop your data mindset. Session presented to K-12 educators at 5th annual North Dakota Response to Intervention / Multi-Tier System of Supports Conference. Fargo, ND.
*Anderson, N. (2014, October 2). Don’t be a data hoarder. Three breakout sessions presented to education professionals at the AdvancED North Dakota Fall Conference. Mandan, ND.
*Anderson, N. (2014, September 29). Don’t be a data hoarder. Three breakout sessions presented to teachers and administrators at MDEC’s Navigating Uncharted Territory conference. Minot, ND.
*Anderson, N. (2011, October 14). Keeping it together with Google: How Google products help me stay organized. Session presented at NDSU Education Doctoral Programs Annual Conference. Fargo, ND.
*Martinez-Freeman, A., Anicha, C., Walsh, R., Okurut-Ibore, C., & Anderson, N. (2011, October 14). Student Planning Committee Panel. Panel discussion presented at NDSU Education Doctoral Programs Annual Conference. Fargo, ND.
*Anderson, N. (2011, April 20). A qualitative inquiry of the assessment of pre-service teacher communication. Poster session presented at NDSU College of Human Development and Education Annual Research Day. Fargo, ND.
*Anderson, N. (2009, October 31). A good dose of God: Everybody’s best friend. Session presented at 13th Annual Body, Mind, and Spirit Conference. Menomonie, WI.